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European Alternatives - (Source European Alternatives)
- European alternatives for digital service and products, like cloud services and SaaS products.
- Gradual Disempowerment: Systemic Existential Risks from Incremental AI Development
- (Source
- This paper examines the systemic risks posed by incremental advancements in artificial intelligence, developing the concept of `gradual disempowerment', in contrast to the abrupt takeover scenarios commonly discussed in AI safety. We analyze how even incremental improvements in AI capabilities can undermine human influence over large-scale systems that society depends on, including the economy, culture, and nation-states. As AI increasingly replaces human labor and cognition in these domains, it can weaken both explicit human control mechanisms (like voting and consumer choice) and the implicit alignments with human interests that often arise from societal systems' reliance on human participation to function. Furthermore, to the extent that these systems incentivise outcomes that do not line up with human preferences, AIs may optimize for those outcomes more aggressively. These effects may be mutually reinforcing across different domains: economic power shapes cultural narratives and political decisions, while cultural shifts alter economic and political behavior. We argue that this dynamic could lead to an effectively irreversible loss of human influence over crucial societal systems, precipitating an existential catastrophe through the permanent disempowerment of humanity. This suggests the need for both technical research and governance approaches that specifically address the risk of incremental erosion of human influence across interconnected societal systems.
Parameters vs FLOPs: Scaling Laws for Optimal
Sparsity for Mixture-of-Experts Language Models - (Source Samira Abnar, Harshay Shah, Dan Busbridge, Alaaeldin Mohamed Elnouby Ali, Josh Susskind, Vimal Thilak)
- Scaling the capacity of language models has consistently proven to be a reliable approach for improving performance and unlocking new capabilities. Capacity can be primarily defined by two dimensions: the number of model parameters and the compute per example. While scaling typically involves increasing both, the precise interplay between these factors and their combined contribution to overall capacity remains not fully understood. We explore this relationship in the context of sparse Mixture-of-Experts (MoEs) , which allow scaling the number of parameters without proportionally increasing the FLOPs per example. We investigate how varying the sparsity level, i.e., the fraction of inactive parameters, impacts model’s performance during pretraining and downstream few-shot evaluation. We find that under different constraints (e.g., parameter size and total training compute), there is an optimal level of sparsity that improves both training efficiency and model performance. These results provide a better understanding of the impact of sparsity in scaling laws for MoEs and complement existing works in this area, offering insights for designing more efficient architectures.
Losing the AI race may be a blessing 
- (Source LinkedIn)
- In the AI race, the gap between Europe and the United States was big already. And with a shot of Trump doping into the arm of Big Tech, it has only grown.
Don’t get Greenland’s role in Arctic security wrong 
- (Source EUROPP)
- Donald Trump claims that taking control of Greenland is vital for US national security. Ulrik Pram Gad argues that misreading dynamics in the Arctic risks an escalation that no one wants and that w…
- Ansvarlig brug af AI-assistenter i den offentlige og private sektor

- (Source Dansk Industri)
- Vi befinder os i en tid, hvor teknologiske fremskridt i stadig stigende grad udfordrer vores måde at tænke, arbejde og leve på – og med kunstig intelligens som en af de helt store transformerende drivkræfter står vi ikke blot overfor nye udfordringer, men med et hidtil uset potentiale for at skabe bedre og mere effektive løsninger på tværs af sektorer.
AI Snake Oil by Sayash Kapoor - (Source )
- What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference. Click to read AI Snake Oil, a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.
- European Union: The Digital Services Act package
- (Source Shaping Europe’s digital future)
- The Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act aim to create a safer digital space where the fundamental rights of users are protected and to establish a level playing field for businesses.
Digital Quality of Life Index 2020 - Surfshark - (Source Surfshark)
- A global research on the quality of a digital wellbeing in 85 countries (81% of the global population). This study indexes the countries by looking at five fundamental pillars that define the digital quality of life. Denmark ranked as no. 1 in 2020
UN E-Government Survey 2020 - (Source )
- The year 2020 witnessed a transformational change in global development as the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called on Member States and other stakeholders to “kickstart a decade of delivery and action for people and planet”, given the short time left to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Hvad kan vi lære fra Open Data Challenge 2019? 
- (Source Open Data DK)
- I november sidste år blev Open Data Challenge 2019 finalen afholdt og vinderne kåret. Men hvad kan vi tage med videre? Vi bringer her challengens vigtigste erfaringer ift. at lave virksomhedsrettede forløb med kommuners data.
- National Cyber Security Index : Ranking
- (Source e-Governance Academy Foundation, Estonia)
- The National Cyber Security Index is a global index, which measures the preparedness of countries to prevent cyber threats and manage cyber incidents. The NCSI is also a database with publicly available evidence materials and a tool for national cyber security capacity building.
Open Government in the Arab Region - (Source United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia)
- This workshop will focus on building capacities of government officials in open government, specifically open data and participation, collaboration and engagement.
UN E-Government Survey 2016 - (Source United Nations Public Administration Networkk)
- E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development
The United Nations E-Government Survey 2016: E-Government in Support of Sustainable Development was launched in July 2016. It offers a snapshot of trends in the development of e-government in countries across the globe -
Abuse of Information Technology for Corruption - YouTube Video 
- (Source Regional School of Public Administration - ReSPA)
- The Regional school for Public Administration (ReSPA) published a comparative study "Abuse of information technology for corruption" intended for the region of Western Balkans. The Study aims to provide, for the first time, concrete guidance by showing cases of abuse of information technology for corruption offences and on the possible steps that can be taken to protect against such abuses.
Open Government and Transparency Digitalisation, Innovation and Deregulation through eGovernment, Transparency and Open Data - (Source ReSPA)
- Open government, open government data, base registries, and cloud computing are areas currently being investigated in the ongoing ReSPA eGovernment study “E- to Open Government”. This visit will feed into the present ongoing study and inform the eGovernment working group on real-life implementation in the areas being investigated for the study. It will also give the participants a practical example on a collaborative, whole-of-government approach, where sector-independent ICT services are organised and produced without requiring any significant sector-specific expertise (the example of VALTORY, the new Finnish government ICT centre).
21.09.-22.09.15. Helsinki,Finland -
Open Government Index™ 2015 - (Source World Justice Project)
- The World Justice Project (WJP) Open Government Index™ 2015 is the first effort to measure government openness based on the general public’s experiences and perceptions worldwide. The Index presents aggregated scores and rankings as well as individual scores for each of the following dimensions of government openness: (a) publicized laws and government data, (b) right to information, (c) civic participation, and (d) complaint mechanisms.
The top three overall performers in the WJP Open Government Index 2015 are Sweden (1), New Zealand (2), and Norway (3); the bottoms three are Myanmar (100), Uzbekistan (101), and Zimbabwe (102). Regional leaders also included India (S. Asia), Georgia (E. Europe & Central Asia); South Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa); Chile (Latin America & Caribbean); and Tunisia (Middle East & North Africa). - SEMIC 2015 - Semantic Interoperability Conference
- (Source European Commission)
- Bringing Enterprise Information Management and Service Portfolio Management to public administration
On 5 May, the ISA Programme of the European Commission is organising its 5th conference on Semantic Interoperability for e-Government, this year together with the Latvian Presidency, at the National Library of Latvia in Riga. - 
- (Source Erhvervsstyrrelsen)
- Mål din bredbåndshastighed og vurder dit behov
Government by numbers: How big a problem is gaming? - (Source Governance for Development)
- Governments are under pressure to show their ever more educated and informed citizens that schools, hospitals and other public services are getting better. Traditionally, they have done that by spending money and building things: look, a brand new hospital! Of course, everybody knows that there is more to service quality than dollars, bricks and mortar. But at least we can see and touch bricks and mortar. How can we put a finger on service quality?
ReSPA | Launching of the ReSPA Regional Comparative Study “Abuse of Information Technology (IT) for Corruption” and 6th Meeting of eGovernment Network - (Source )
- ReSPA is launching of the Regional Comparative Study “Abuse of Information Technology (IT) for Corruption” and 6th Meeting of eGovernment Network, which will take place in Tirana (Albania), in the premises of Tirana International Hotel from 26-27 November 2014.
This two-day event will focus on the first day on presentation of the Comparative study and its findings to international organisations, local stakeholders, and the public at large. It will provide an opportunity for regional and cross-disciplinary exchange on the findings and recommendations of the Study. The second day of the event will be dedicated to planning of the next steps and activities of the eGovernment Network. -
Innovation Policy Platform - (Source Innovation Policy Platform)
- The Innovation Policy Platform (IPP) is a joint initiative developed by the OECD and the World Bank. The aim of the platform is to provide policy practitioners around the world with a simple and easy-to-use tool, supporting them in the innovation policy-making process. This is done by facilitating collective learning about innovation policy, both conceptual and how-to aspects, tailored to the needs of developing and developed countries.
Rigsrevisionen: Beretning om statens behandling af fortrolige oplysninger om personer og virksomheder 
- (Source
- Beretningen handler om, hvordan en række statslige institutioner beskytter fortrolige oplysninger om personer og virksomheder. Det kan fx være oplysninger om en persons helbred, skatteforhold eller strafbare forhold. Den øgede digitalisering stiller øgede krav til sikkerheden omkring disse oplysninger, da det kan have vidtrækkende konsekvenser for de personer og virksomheder, det går ud over, hvis oplysninger falder i de forkerte hænder. Formålet med undersøgelsen er derfor at vurdere, om institutionerne beskytter fortrolige oplysninger om personer og virksomheder tilstrækkeligt.
Undersøgelsen viser, at ingen af de undersøgte institutioner efterlever alle de krav til behandling af fortrolige personoplysninger, som er fastsat i sikkerhedsbekendtgørelsen, der er udstedt i medfør af persondataloven.
Undersøgelsen er baseret på it-revisioner udført som led i årsrevisionen i foråret 2014. Rigsrevisionen har selv taget initiativ til undersøgelsen. - TU Delft - Ambulance Drone - YouTube
- (Source YouTube)
- Each year nearly a million people in Europe suffer from a cardiac arrest. A mere 8% survives due to slow response times of emergency services. The ambulance-drone is capable of saving lives with an integrated defibrillator. The goal is to improve existing emergency infrastructure with a network of drones. This new type of drones can go over 100 km/h and reaches its destination within 1 minute, which increases chance of survival from 8% to 80%! This drone folds up and becomes a toolbox for all kind of emergency supplies. Future implementations will also serve other use cases such as drowning, diabetes, respiratory issues and traumas.
- Det fællesoffentlige scorecard

- (Source Digitaliseringsstyrelsen)
- Det fællesoffentlige scorecard har til formål at dokumentere udviklingen i den offentlige sektors digitale kommunikation med borgerne.
ICEGOV 2014 Track 6 - Leadership and Organization - (Source ICEGOV 2014 - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance)
- Question: Leadership is required to build and manage ICT capabilities within a government organization and to strategically align such capabilities with existing business objectives. How can government leaders manage and organize ICT capabilities to deliver public value?
United Nations Global Pulse - (Source United Nations)
- Global Pulse is a flagship innovation initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General on big data. Its vision is a future in which big data is harnessed safely and responsibly as a public good. Its mission is to accelerate discovery, development and scaled adoption of big data innovation for sustainable development and humanitarian action.
The initiative was established based on a recognition that digital data offers the opportunity to gain a better understanding of changes in human well-being, and to get real-time feedback on how well policy responses are working. -
UN E-Government Survey 2014 - E-Government for the Future We Want - (Source UNPAN)
- The United Nations E-Government Survey 2014: E-Government for the Future We Want was completed in January 2014 and launched in June 2014. The theme of the 2014 is particularly relevant to addressing the multi-faceted and complex challenges that our societies face today. The publication addresses critical aspects of e-government for sustainable development articulated along eight chapters.
MBRSG - The Arab Government Services Outlook 2014 - (Source Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government)
- Despite the wide acceptance of the need for enhanced services in the Arab World, efforts to understand the intricacies of public service development are limited, especially on a regional level. For this reason, the Governance and Innovation Program at the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government conducted regional research examining the state of public services in the Arab world. This report aims to improve understanding of public service delivery in the Arab region by providing a broad view of service delivery environments, outputs and enablers; as well as regional challenges and strengths, and the overall quality of public services in the Arab world.
This report is comprised of two main components:
• The results of a survey of key official Arab government entities which focused on internal service delivery activities of government organizations.
• The results of an Arab regional ‘customer’ satisfaction survey which focused on customer experience and satisfaction with public services. -
World Economic Forum: The Global Information Technology Report 2014. Rewards and Risks of Big Data - (Source World Economic Forum)
- This year marks the 13th edition of the Global Information Technology Report, which provides a comprehensive assessment of networked readiness, or how prepared an economy is to apply the benefits of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to promote economic growth and well-being. Using updated methodology that was introduced in 2012, the report ranks the progress of 148 economies in leveraging ICTs to increase productivity, economic growth and the number of quality jobs.
The rankings also show how far some countries have gone in bridging the digital divide – not only in terms of developing ICT infrastructure, but also in terms of economic and social impact – and highlight the main strengths and weaknesses countries are facing. This edition also analyses in detail the rewards and risks associated with big data and what public and private organizations must do to benefit from it. The report remains the most comprehensive and authoritative international assessment of its kind. -
Study on eGovernment and the Reduction of Administrative Burden. (SMART 2012/0061) - (Source European Commission DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology)
- Administrative Burden Reduction (ABR) can be achieved through the integration of eGovernment tools; the smart use of the information that citizens and businesses have to provide to public authorities for the completion of administrative procedures; making electronic procedures the dominant channel for delivering eGovernment services; and the principle of the “once only” registration of relevant data. The latter ensures that citizens and businesses supply certain standard information only once, because public administration offices take action to internally share this data, so that no additional burden falls on citizens and businesses.
Do you do digital? - (Source
- This is a short and highly visual guide for top management teams in local public services.
The Eight Key Issues of Digital Government - (Source Andrea di Maio)
- Engaging Citizens: 1. Service Delivery Innovation 2. Open Government 3. Connecting Agencies
New Digital Business Models: 4. Joint Governance 5. Scalable Interoperability 6. Resourcing Government
Workforce Innovation: 7. Adaptive Sourcing 8. Sustainable Financing -
Privacy Design Guidelines for Mobile Application Development - (Source Public Policy)
- The emergence of open mobile platforms and the convergence of mobile and the web has created a vibrant and dynamic mobile ecosystem that enables individuals to shape and present rich personal identities online, connect with communities of their choice, and engage with innovative, applications and services. Much of this relies on the real-time access and use of personal information that is often transferred globally between applications, devices and companies.
Government Sponsored E-Petitions: A Guide for Development and Implementation - in pdf format (7136 kb) - (Source America Speaks, 2013)
- "... This paper is intended to serve as a guide for public managers who are interested in exploring e-petition implementation in their communities. The guide is divided into five sections: a general overview of e-petitioning, an exploration of the key decision areas in e-petition implementation, a federal level case study, a state level case study, and a local level case study."
Open Data - the trade-offs between privacy and open data - (Source )
- On 1st August 2013 two IDRC research networks came together for a web meeting to explore Open Data and Privacy. The Privacy in the Developing World network, and the Open Data in Developing Countries network set out to explore whether open data and protecting privacy are inherently in tension, or whether the two can be complementary, and to identify particular issues that might come up around privacy and open data in the developing world. This post shares and develops some of the themes discussed in the meeting.
- (Source )
- Regeringen lancerede i foråret 2013 en ny hjemmeside,, som skal udgøre en platform for moderniseringstiltag med best practice eksempler fra kommuner og regioner. Hjemmesiden er både en indgang til at blive klogere på mange gode eksempler fra kommuner og regioner og faciliterer samtidig viden og inspiration til regeringen om, hvad der virker.
Open Data Barometer Data - (Source Open Data Institute)
- The Open Data Barometer takes a multidimensional look at the current adoption level of open data policy and practice around the world.
Ny national handlingsplan for open government 
- (Source Digitaliseringsstyrelsen)
- Som led i sin deltagelse i det internationale samarbejde, ”Open Government Partnership” (OGP), har Danmark udarbejdet og offentliggjort en ny national handlingsplan for open government.
Conference on Transforming Arab Economies - (Source June 4-5, Rabat | CMI - Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration, with the World Bank, ISESCO and the EIB)
- The imperative of creating millions of good jobs is the first of many daunting challenges confronting the Arab world. To meet those challenges, Arab countries would do well to embrace a model of economic growth based on knowledge and innovation, building on the global move toward the knowledge economy.
Over the past decade, some countries of the region have spurred growth and improved their global competitiveness by taking the first steps in the direction of the knowledge economy. To go farther, however, Arab societies must deepen their commitment to reforms in four key policy areas: developing more open and entrepreneurial economies, preparing a better-educated and more highly skilled population, improving their capabilities for innovation and research, and expanding information and communication technologies and their applications. The success of a knowledge-economy strategy depends on coordinated progress on all four fronts, with bold approaches tailored to each country’s challenges and opportunities. - Guide til bedre samarbejde

- (Source Statens IT-projektråd)
- IT-projektrådets nye guide har til formål, at inspirere kunder og leverandører til at opbygge et tillidsfuldt samarbejde i statslige it-projekter
- (Source )
- is a set of extensible schemas that enables webmasters to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other applications.
- Exploring Canada's Web Experience Toolkit
- (Source eGovernment Resource Centre)
- The Government of Canada has taken this unique approach to Web management and built a platform of standards-compliant (W3C and WCAG) components that its agencies use to build and maintain their sites. Each website can apply unique themes to control its look and feel, but the themes all run on top of these common components, ensuring their sites are accessible and secure. The reusable components of the Web Experience Toolkit (WET) are open source software and free for use by departments and external Web communities.
- Udviklingsvejledning for selvbetjeningsløsninger

- (Source OIO Arkitekturguiden)
- Udviklingsvejledningen for velfungerende selvbetjening indeholder 24 fællesoffentlige krav, som skal sikre brugervenlige digitale selvbetjeningsløsninger. Alle krav skal som udgangspunkt opfyldes.
Vejledningens anbefalinger, gode eksempler og værktøjskasse er forslag og hjælp til at leve op til de 24 krav.
Afsender: Styregruppen for den fællesoffentlige digitaliseringsstrategi.
- See more at: -
Internet of Things: Derfor vil alt ændre sig nu 
- (Source Computerworld)
- Efter at have talt om Internet of Things i årevis, er det nu tid til at udnytte den verden af muligheder, der opstår, når milliarder af enheder kobles trådløst til internettet.
How Facebook Exploits Your Private Information - (Source Bernard Marr on LinkedIn)
- You have willingly told Facebook who your friends are, what your hobbies are, how old you are, where you live and whether you are in a relationship or not. What's more, Facebook knows what you like
Discussion of eParticipation topics in Greek political blogs - (Source )
- "Blogs are an effective way to participate in politics and have the potential to support eParticipation. Political discourse is formed through hypertext links, blogrolls, posts and opinionated commentary, calls to political action, and requests
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