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OECD Study: "Improving government to business services through digitalisation: one stop shop platforms and single digital portals for SMEs: Contribution to the project on ‘Enabling SMEs to Benefit from Digitalisation’"

The project aims to better understand how digital advancements can enhance e-government services and contribute to a more user-centred approach to public service delivery, a more level playing field in business interactions with the public administration, and overall a more supportive business environment for SMEs.

The project aims to better understand how digital advancements can enhance e-government services and contribute to a more user-centred approach to public service delivery, a more level playing field in business interactions with the public administration, and overall a more supportive business environment for SMEs.

I have conducted desk research on all 37 OECD countries and participants in the WPSMEE (13 additional countries) for identifying governance structures, government support to SMEs, policy trends, types of actors, new technologies for service delivery to SMEs and Covid-19 specific information and services. Additionally I conducted case interviews and co-wrote the report.

The study has not been published by the OECD yet.

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