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Domicil Online - A house log

My "corona-hobby" has been to develop a webapp for managing your home(es). Users can log information about their home - a domicil, but categorise it in such a way that information can be found again. Users can make log entries, to-do lists, post-it's, receipts, and how-to guides. They can categorise by spaces/rooms, service number contacts, different things one may have in your home, and events.

Has the insurance company ever asked you for documentation in case of theft or damage? If you want to sell your house, you can build instructions on how everything works and when you did what. When did you last paint your kitchen and what paint did you use? What’s the contact number for the plumber who fixed your faucet in the bathroom and where do you store the receipt for it? How about making a guide on how the heating and lighting works in your house in case you need it in the futre?

Invite guests to your domicil

When you create a domicil, it becomes a "domicil group", and you can invite others to see your domicil as guests. This is useful if you want your partner or other family members to see the information you've recorded.

You can also share a copy of individual pages to the general public, so that that it gets a link that can be seen by anyone on the internet.

So who is Domicil Online for?

Well, it is for everyone living somewhere, who needs to record and categorise information about their home. Everyone is welcome to use it.

Domicil Online is free to use, and can be accessed from

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