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Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment, Oman 2016

In 2016 I participated again as a jury member in the Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment.

HM Award jury, 2016

The Sultan Qaboos Award for Excellence in eGovernment competition is a national Omani event targeting government and private institutions. The award comes as a translation of His Majesty's call for the development of a national strategy enhancing the knowledge and skills of Omani citizens in dealing with information technology, and a call for all government institutions to accelerate the development of its services using the latest digital technology and finest best practices.

The judging process ran onsite in Muscat for five days from 23-27 October 2016, where the jury evaluated and agreed upon a final winners to submit to the Information Technology Authority Board of Directors to be awarded in a award ceremony  on 6 December 2016.

Out of 64 participating projects from 38 government units, private and SMEs institutions, only 11 projects will be honored. This year, the award contains 11 categories distributed for government, private and SMEs sectors.

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