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From E- to Open Government

Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA) E-Government Analysis 2015 of six Western Balkan states.
As an eGovernment expert I co-authored this study together with national experts from Balkan countries and international exert Jeremy Millard.

Download Report:   eGov - From E-Government to Open Government - final report Dec 2015.pdf (1334052 bytes)

The report can also be downloaded from the ReSPA website's document library.


The most important features of this regional comparative study of six Western Balkan States are the examination of the state of the art of e-government in the region in 2015, to examine progress since 2012, and to in addition to look at progress towards open government. Particular focus is on processes and outcomes, including the provision of information, service delivery, and the interaction between government, citizens, businesses, and civil society. The new issues examined include open government data, cloud computing, Public Private Partnerships and Public Civil, Partnerships.

The findings of this regional comparative study elaborate individual country developments in the Western Balkans, from the policy and strategic level in specific e-government and open government institutional settings and implementations, and in particular relate these to the broader public administration reform process. In addition, the study investigates the best modalities to improve public administration productivity, efficiency and effectiveness by providing a number of recommendations, and it attempts to address the challenges of the Western Balkan region as a whole.

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